The cost of development for that application shouldn't be more than 1 billion dollars.
That was a more or less formal announcement for the development of an application necessary to compute the salaries for the employees of the federal government of Canada. Despite this being a huge amount, It doesn't really look like it. Perhaps because of the "1" appearing before the billion. If the announcement would have been "The cost of development for that application shouldn't be more than 990 miillion dollars, perhaps the general population would have been more shocked. Even if in fact 1 billion dollars is more than 990 million dollars. 1 billion dollars is equivalent to a thousand time 1 million dollars or 10 000 times 100 000 dollars. Those amount let us realize how big 1 billion dollars really is. even with those examples we don't really realize how big 1 billion dollars really is because we only have numbers without details. Let me do some suppositions on how those amounts will be used. Let's say one part of that amount will be used to buy and install computers. and other related tasks. 200 million dollars will ne necessary for that. Let's also presume that 50000 computers will be installed. We can now say that it will cost 4000 dollars per computer. This leaves us with 800 million dollars for the development of the software. Let's say that 300 persons will be working on this project and that it will last three years. Let's say that some will earn more than others. 240 persons will share a total of 600 million. This means 200 millions per year. 60 persons will share 200 millions, a little more than 66 millions per year. 240 persons receiving 200 millions per year. This means a little more than 833000 dollars per person. We will suppose that they will be working 50 hours per week. So 52 weeks * 50 hours = 2600 hours worked per year. 833000 dollars / 2600 hours = 320 dollars per hour worked.. 60 persons getting 66 millions per year. This means a little more than 1 million dollar per person. 1.1 million dollars / 2600 hours = 426 dollars per hour worked.. So now we have a much better idea of what 1 billion dollars represents. 50000 computers to install at a cost of 4000 dollars per computer. + During 3 years 60 persons working 50 hours per week will get 426 dollars per hour. + During 3 years 240 persons working 50 hours per week will get recevront 320 dollars per hour. Not sure if we will ever have access to the détails. I guess not because it could become scary very fast.
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