Are your personal informations on the internet secure? It`s sad but eventually a person or a criminalized group could try to have access to your personal informations on the internet. It could be a person you already know, for example a former employee that have an intent to cause harm to you. Or it could be a person that wants to have access to your financial informations. There used to be a time when to have access to your personal informations on the internet, you only had to specify a password. But this is not enough anymore. Now we have to select one or more questions and what answers we want to go with those questions. For example we have to pick to what question we will have to answer when we connect to a web site. The questions could be : What is your favorite destination in Europe? What is your favorite restaurant? What is your favorite color? If the person that tries to have access to your informations doesn't know you, the question that you will pick is not really important. But if that person knows you and also knows that you really liked your previous trip in Italy, then that person will probably select to give an answer to that question when trying to get your informations. It's for that reason that you should pick a question that really concerns you the less. You could select the question "What is your favorite color?" and the answer to that question shouldn't make sense at all. For example your answer to that question should be "Kitchen". Now that could be a secured password combination. The downside here is that you will have to find a way to remember these security informations. Never take security lightly. For example never use "1234" for a password. You could regret this eventually.
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