Read the texts that follows. If your days look more like the days of the frustraded lady than the happy lady... we can help you to correct that situation. Our application is the solution. Don't worry, you won't have to use the whole application. If you prefer you'll be able to use only the most important modules that will let you improve the management of your enterprise. Have a good reading.
A customer is telling you that she would like to return to a coloration she had some time ago. The thing is that you didn't keep that card... because you probably decided to do a clean-up because you have so many cards. But you tell your customer that your remember what that coloration was. Be careful. If you make a mistake you could lose that customer. It's even possible that that customer would let her friends know about that error that you did. Stressfull situation.
A customer paid for a service that was given over several treatments. After a treatment you tell that customer that the trreatment was the last one for that service. Your client tells you that there should be another treatment. But the thing is that it was writter on a card it was her last treatment. Messy situation because you will have to argue with your customer.
Each end of year it's the same thing. You have to find all the papers that should be given to the accountant. Your accountant's services are more and more expensive with each passing year. Don't forget that your accountant also has bills to pay. The more work he does for you the more expensive his services will be.
An employee just left your enterprise. It happens. There's a thing that you don't like though. Since that employee left you, you have the feeling that there are some customers that haven't come back. What if that employee convinved those customer to follow her. But even if it's the case you can't really prove it. The only thing you can do is hope is that you won't lose too many customers.
One of your employee has a regular customers for more than twenty years. But today that employee is not there and you will do the coloration for that customer. After you're done with the service you tell the customer the cost for the service. That customer tells you that ussually she doesn't pay that much for that service. You know that is's possible and you ask her to pay the amount that she tell you. A detail perhaps but it could leave a feeling that your enterprise is not that profesional.
You just received a hair-dryer that a customer ordered. But now you have a problem. You can't find the note that you wrote telling you wich customer ordered that hair-dryer. Now you don't have a choice. You will have to wait for the customer's call asking if you received her hair-dryer. Not really professional.